Saturday, February 16, 2008

Politics and sports

Been reading a lot of nonsense in the media about the Steven Spielberg saga where he pulled out of the Beijing Olympics in protest over some human rights issue. Atheletes are being warned not to make any political statements, Britain's decision to let their atheletes wear face masks to protect themselves from the pollution in Beijing being read as an offensive show of disrespect..the list goes on.

Sporting events are a celebration of talent, determination and hard work displayed by the atheletes who have put in their all to excel in their sport and compete against other equally talented individuals for the recognition that they so richly deserve. Who the hell has the right to deny them this accolade/right of theirs? Not some sniffling old man in a suit going around trying to gain some political leverage for his own country; not some director who probably knows nothing much about sports in the first place, and certainly not anyone in the rest of the world who suddenly feels up to commenting about how the olympics is a good chance for political discussion.

What is a country in the very first place? A piece of land surrounded by arbitary boundaries by a group of individuals who have decided that their own cultures have them unique enough to be considered a seperate entity from the rest of the world. Rinse and repeat 200 times and you get the world in its currently ugly state : squabbling over the most trivial of things(*cough* piece of rock containing some godforsaken lighthouse), starting wars for no reason whatsoever other than selfish gains, causing the need for military organisations that are an utter waste of resources(how much fuel does a UAV aircraft flying around in the sky 24/7 consume?), and enslaving bright promising young minds in the form of conscripts under the pathetic excuse of national defense.

Hell, if I had my own way each sporting individual would represent only himself/herself and not his country. Too much of the sporting spirit is lost when politicians decide that the achievements of their sportsmen are considered bragging rights, to be used to show that their country is superior. The steroid scandals in East Germany back in the past and recently China, come to mind here.

Its just sickening nowadays when politics have to come into everything we do nowadays. It seems as if not even sport, once an arena for unbridled displays of passion and excellence can be spared by this ugly face of the world that power hungry individuals have brought upon us.

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